Book of daniel chapter 9 12 verse 24

In this chapter of daniel, we have what is known as the interrupted prayer. Next, its clear from the first verse of daniel 12 that the timing backs up to the abomination and rapture because it mentions the unequalled distress, which matches matthew 24. The detail study of revelation will uncover many new prophecies and understandings of the end times. The last study focused on the prophecies concerning a coming world leader and a time in history that you probably dont want to be around in. The implication is that the messiah would be resurrected from the dead after he was killed.

A commentary on the book of daniel daniel chapter twelve. Daniels prayer in the first year of darius son of xerxes a mede by descent. Book of daniel chapter 9 bible study daniels 70 weeks part 2. Daniel does not envisage the universal resurrection as later developed. Daniel 9 niv daniels prayer in the first year bible gateway. This verse is really the keystone around which unfulfilled prophecies in the bible connect. I daniel considered or contemplated in the books the number of the years which the word devar of gd came to jeremiah the prophet that would accomplish to the destruction of jerusalem daniel 9. Now let us return and discuss verse 26 of daniel chapter 9. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel. Daniel s prayer for the restoration of israel, ver. What do the 1,290 and 1,335 days represent daniel 12. Four times in the chapter verses 5, 8, 11, 15, daniel acknowledges the peoples sin. It is important to note that in daniel 12, as the prophecy concludes, gd gives daniel some important instruction in regard to calculating the time of the events mentioned. Daniel 912 niv daniels prayer in the first year bible gateway.

But at that time your peopleeveryone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered. The last 7 years before the return of jesus christ is perhaps best encapsulated in daniel 9. The word translated reconciliation is the same one translated as atonementkapharthroughout leviticus 16. Jehovah is gods covenant name and this chapter preeminently. Daniel, chapter 9 united states conference of catholic bishops. Jews for judaism daniel 9 a true biblical interpretation. And he gd said to you, o daniel, for closed and sealed are these things unto the time of the end. While studying the book of jeremiah daniel came to the conclusion that the announced 70yearscaptivity would come to a soon end daniel 9.

This is the clearest prophecy of the messiah in all the old testament. It is gods assurance that he will intervene to lift israel out of her degenerate spiritual state. On the other hand, it is remarkable that in leviticus 25. Weeks not of days, but of years, or, seventy times seven years, that is, four hundred and ninety years, each day being accounted a year according to the prophetic way of reckoning, see note on daniel 7. Nearly everything mentioned in the prophecy relates to the day of atonement and what is typified in. Book of daniel bible study commentary chapter 12 how to shine like the stars. That which is foretold by daniel is the complete and final destruction of the same city and temple which evoked the prophets prayer. When the lord jesus in his olivet discourse spoke of the profanation of the temple through the antichrist he explicitly mentions daniel the prophet matthew 24. Daniel chapter 9 explained discover the 66 books of the. Chapter 9 can be distinguished from the other visionary chapters of the book of. We saw in the last study that daniel had been reading the prophecies of jeremiah when he saw that israel would be in exile for 70 years. The year reign of jesus starts after armageddon so daniel 12 couldnt possibility follow daniel 11. Verses 2627 show that all six of verse 24s elements will be accomplished.

And he hath confirmed his words, which he spake against us, and against our judges that judged us, by bringing upon us a great evil. Daniel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. This refers to verse 1, which says that michael the archangel will stand up for, or assist and sustain, gods people during a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. Daniel discerns that the time for the fulfillment of the lords promises has come and thus he engages in earnest prayer for their fulfillment. The angel informs him that seventy weeks have been decreed for them, and then gives a detailed but cryptic description of those weeks. In verse two daniel is referring to such passages as jeremiah 25. The seventy weeks prophecy foretells a national cleansing. Daniels prayer in the first year of darius son of xerxes a mede by descent, who was. Great difficulty is experienced in discovering what sort of weeks is intended. Even most liberal scholars who propose multiple authors for the book of daniel agree that the author of daniel chapter 9 also wrote chapter 12. Similarly, the distribution of the weeks in the following verses indicates only. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.

The prophecy of seventy weeks of years verses 2427. Daniel 9, new international version niv the bible app. Daniel 12 niv the end times at that time bible gateway. This is a description of the great tribulation christ echoes in matthew 24. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniels prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i. Daniel 9 new international version niv daniels prayer. According to the opening verse of chapter 9, the third vision of daniel occurred in. Book of daniel chapter 12 bible study shine like the stars. Daniel is praying in the first nineteen verses of this chapter, but then the angel gabriel appears and interrupts his prayer. What daniel discovered as he read jeremiahs prophecy jer 25. Book of daniel bible study chapter commentary 9 part 2 daniels 70 weeks. Message given sunday, june 30, 2019 by pastor josh black at calvary chapel canyon hills in lake elsinore, ca. Grasp the meaning of the word, understand the vision. It is the only old testament passage which refers to the messiah as messiah.

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